What Do You Desire?


“Desire is the starting point of all achievement” ~Napoleon Hill

If you listen to the news media and sometimes the people in your life, you are likely hearing that we may not have hit bottom yet, or things are still pretty bad out there. What if you had clear principles to incorporate in your life that many of the leaders in our world, past and present, have applied in times of challenge and change? What if you could have a clear cut process to getting what you want in your life?

On the PSI Seminars Podcast, we explore what PSI Seminars Founder Thomas Willhite meant when he stated, “DESIRE is that emotion which turns thoughts into actual creations”.

  • Action Steps to getting what it is that you DESIRE
  • How past defeats can transmute to a future Victory
  • How to lay the foundation to build your dream upon

PS. Spread the word! Share the PSI Podcast with your family and friends!


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