September 11th – 18th, 2021

Reach Your Next 10


Attract the Wealth You Desire

Raise your abundance consciousness to a new level as you explore your wealth mindset. Gain a deeper understanding of your relationship with money and the beliefs that have been limiting you. Experience a vibrational transformation as you become grounded in a deep sense of worth and claim your personal value.


Build Authentic Connections

Embrace your vulnerability in a supportive environment as you explore what it feels like to openly share all of who you are. Get honest feedback on your communication and discover how to align your words with your beingness as you authentically exude a more confident and passionate you. Open yourself to greater intimacy and connection in all areas of your life.


Live in Vibrant Wellness

Find the balance in your wholeness as you strengthen your mind/body connection. Take a closer look at the subconscious ways you have been sabotaging your success with unhealthy habits and get committed to a new level of whole life wellness. Identify what your body needs to thrive so you are filled with boundless energy.


Make the Difference You Want to Make

Expand your vision for your legacy and your purpose on the planet. Clarify your goals and get laser focused on next steps for the year ahead. Surround yourself with leaders who see your greatness and support you in playing big. It’s time to play a bigger game!

Your PSI Journey

September 11th – 18th, 2021