The Growth Potential Within

“Against all odds, a seed rises from darkness and beautifies the universe.”
~ Matshona Dhilwayo

Do you ever feel like you’re fighting through life alone?

Like even the tiniest seed, you were born with the potential to achieve greatness. Don’t forget that even the tallest tree began as a small seed.

The seed doesn’t simply sprout once it makes contact with the earth; it must first bury into the darkness beneath the soil before it can fight it’s way through to the surface and meet the life giving light of the sun.

Just like the seed, every person on earth faces challenges… loneliness, darkness, loss, despair, heartbreak, and so much more. Pain is real and valid and equally as important is what you choose to do, and rise from the setbacks.

There’s no doubt about it – life is hard and success takes work. That being said, you’re a successful person, bound for bigger and greater successes in the future!

By the mere fact you’re reading this post, you’re displaying a desire to better yourself. You have within you the power to achieve any goal you can imagine.

It’s time to move forward once again. What would happen if you stopped and evaluated your life based on results? No judgement, just facts. You are doing the best you can right now. This is true, because your results are what they are.

What do you want to do next?

It’s time to take the guilt and shame out of your thought process. You are not alone in this world and you have everything within you right now to achieve greatness.

Whether you’re a successful CEO of a Fortune 500 company, or if you’re still figuring out what you want to do… know you can – you are powerful beyond measure.

Now’s your time to use the innate gifts within you, combined with your lifetime of knowledge, and make your next dream come true!


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