The Three R's

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”

~ Jack Canfield ~

There’s a negative process of thinking and acting that can be the downfall of even the best relationships.
The process we’re talking about occurs in 3 stages, and we call it The Three R’s.

First stage: RESENTMENT.

Resentment can occur so fast you may not even realize it… Someone breaks their word to you, another driver cuts you off on the freeway, or anytime a situation isn’t the way you think it should be.

Second stage: RESISTANCE.

Resistance is happening when you begin cutting off communication… or to put it another way, it’s when you start to put up your walls.
Resistance can be even more subtle too. It may be when you hold back, or when you don’t give your all to a situation.
Have you ever heard the phrase “what you resist persists”? Think about it. When has digging your heels in gotten you the results you were after?

Third stage: REVENGE.

Take a moment and bring to mind a time in your life where you took revenge. What happened to bring you to this stage of the process? Did taking revenge on someone else bring you peace? Afterwards, did you feel better or did you end up causing harm?
When you take revenge on someone else, The Three R’s will usually then begin in the other person! It’s a cycle with no end… until YOU CHOOSE to end it.

Consider yourself challenged.

The next time you find yourself feeling resentment, take a moment… Do something to interrupt the process. Take a breath. Understanding the Three R’s, you now have an opportunity to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
Put this into practice starting now and you could start to see positive results in your life.
Perhaps you’ve heard a saying like:What you put out, you get back” or “what goes around comes around”… what these don’t say is that it doesn’t necessarily come back from the same source…
Sometimes we hold the most resentment against ourselves… so what’s the solution?
The process of The Three R’s often hurts you more than the person you’re feeling resentment towards… the answer is forgiveness. Forgiveness for them, AND for you.

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