Smoke, Flames, & Miracles

The Mendocino Complex Fire Reaches High Valley Ranch

“Sometimes a miracle occurs and your white light, prayers,
whatever you choose to call it, make a difference!!”
~Jane C. Willhite, PSI Co-Founder
On July 27th, 2018, on the second to last day of PSI-7 Team 574’s Life Success Course, a fire broke out in Mendocino County, California – more than 15 miles from High Valley Ranch in Lake County.
By July 28th as Team 574 departed High Valley Ranch, the sky was thick with smoke and the odor of a raging wildfire was all consuming leading to PSI World’s Camp Choice being relocated to another site.
For the first time in 45 years, PSI Seminars made the difficult decision to cancel the scheduled Men’s Leadership Seminar. With the unpredictable nature of wildfires, safety was our top priority.
From all around the world, PSI graduates were glued to the updates coming from fire stricken Northern California.
For 7 days we watched the fire line from the Mendocino Complex Fire – the largest wildfire in California history – move ever closer to High Valley and Clearlake Oaks.
Leaders from all corners of the globe created Master Mind groups and for days upon days, the thoughts, prayers, and eyes of tens of thousands of people were on High Valley Ranch and the surrounding community.
On the morning of August 4th, the Cal Fire map showed the fire line crossing into High Valley and for a moment, it felt as though all hope was lost… If you’ve met many PSI grads, you know when it comes to the PSI Community, anything and everything is possible!
We knew, no matter what, PSI would persevere, not because of the ranch… because of the commitment of the incredible group of people we are blessed to call graduates! Positive vibes and well wishes continued to pour in, offers of help were received, and food and supplies were donated to our Lake County neighbors.
The next morning, on August 5th, miraculous news was received! Thanks to the outstanding bravery of the men and women fighting the fire, all of the buildings on High Valley Ranch were saved!
In the coming days, as we were allowed access to the property, the marks left by this devastating blaze were clear… Some of the hills blackened, many of the trees, and much of the ground still smoldering… albeit slightly singed, the stars and stripes continued to fly at Casa Montana, and the view from the top of the hill into High Valley was as beautiful as ever. All of the neighboring properties were saved and the sun was beginning to peak through the smoke filled sky once again.
Last weekend, a group of amazing and dedicated PSI Leadership grads assembled at the ranch to be of service. With a unified goal of returning safety and functionality to the outdoor events, they spent two days pouring themselves into the physical labor required for such a job.
No task was too great for these incredible volunteers! Trees, boulders, damaged walkways, and shade structures were removed to make way for new materials, and the grounds were cleared of ash for the coming students.
For over 45 years, PSI Seminars has supported hundreds of thousands of people around the world in transforming their lives. For more than 4 decades, High Valley Ranch has been the center of our advanced courses and has become a beacon of hope, excitement, and growth for thousands upon thousands of people who have passed through the gates, and we are thrilled to say High Valley Ranch is open for business once again!

Click here to learn more about our advanced courses and events held at High Valley Ranch


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