The Simple Way to Increase Your Wealth

“The Simple Way to Increase Your Wealth” by Tom Willhite

“Our most valuable possessions are those which can be shared without lessening; those which when shared, multiply. Our least valuable possessions are those which when divided, are diminished.”

The laws of wealth are simple. There are but two: First, find a need and fill it. Second, give what you would desire. The application of these rules or laws is all that stands between you and wealth. Riches, materially and spiritually, await those who hear the message of this book with their inner ear.

Do you desire wealth? Be honest with yourself. Would like to have enough money to do what you want to do?

There are only two rules about material wealth and they are very simple. You can grow to be very, very wealthy through the use of these two rules. First, they must be understood. Then they may be translated and applied to your specific situation.

The results will be awesome, yet don’t take my word for it. Test it for yourself. Experiment and experience. Then, use the results you get in your own life – not my results, nor your neighbors’ – to decide if these rules are to become a permanent part of your living pattern.

To create wealth all you have to do is find a need and fill it. The greater the need, the more people will be happy to pay. So if you’re having problems in your business and your income is not as high as you would like, look at the needs of the people with whom you do business. Perhaps they do not need your product or service.

If so, find a greater need and fill that need. Your income will increase automatically because the greater the need the more people will pay for it.

People have everything you will ever want, and they will gladly give it to you, provided you help them get what they want. Find a need and fill it. Be of service.

The above is only an application of a basic law, which is far more inclusive. It applies to all of living, all of experiencing. In reality wealth is life. Your wealth is the sum total of all you have and all you experience.

Material wealth refers to all the earthly goods you have. The laws of material wealth are the basic laws of life applied in the direction of material things. The basic law is this: A person is paid in direct proportion to the service you render mankind.

The greater the service, the more you are paid. If you want to gauge your service, look at your income and your experiences. Material wealth is a measuring stick for service.

Wealth is the result of rendering service. I don’t not work for wealth. Working for wealth is the “love of money.” If all you get at the end of the week is a paycheck, then you are highly cheated – by yourself. If you desire to increase your wealth, increase your service to mankind.

“To increase your wealth, increase your service. All you have to do is apply this simple law to your business or profession.” ~Thomas D. Willhite

You can find more of Tom Willhite’s teachings on the first Law of Wealth (as well as Tom’s teachings on the second Law of Wealth) in the Path to Liberty book from PSI-7 The Life Success Course.

Or, you can grab the audio version of your Path to Liberty book and get Tom’s Willhite’s teachings on the Laws of Wealth as well as his other teachings on…

  • Overcoming your Fears
  • Harnessing your Desires to get what you truly want in life
  • Creating Abundance in all areas of your life
  • Manifesting your Vision


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