PSI Seminars facilitator Tim O’Kelley talks about Leadership


We often define leadership as leading other people. But leadership is also about leading one’s self. In fact, to be an effective leader, you must first be a leader of self. So whether you want to lead others, or simply lead yourself to a more enriched life, leadership is an important skill to help you achieve your goals.
So how do we become an effective leader of self? Tim O’Kelley breaks the process down into the five pillars of leadership:

  1. Responsible. When we begin to accept that we are the ones creating our own experiences and our own results, only then can we begin grow.
  1. Integrity. Be true to yourself, be honest in who you are and be someone that others can count on.
  1. Connection. Realize that you are already connect to your goals.
  1. Decisiveness. Leaders are decisive. Get yourself to a place where you understand and appreciate the strength of being decisive.
  1. Intention. Develop a clear idea of what you want so that you can set goals to achieve it.

When you learn how to take responsibility, to be true to yourself, connect to your goals and be clear about what you want, you can create the results you desire. Being a leader of self and being responsible for your results will help you become the person that others will want to follow!
If you missed all or part of the call, or if you just want to listen to it again, the replay is now available on iTunes and at where you’ll also find archives of the past teleseminars.
Do you have questions about the material on the call? Would you like to talk with fellow grads, staffers and instructors about how to apply the concepts in your life? Then we’d love to have you join us on Facebook and continue the conversation.

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