PSI Seminars facilitator Tim O’Kelley talks about Intentions for the New Year

Year in Review & Goal Setting

December is a great time to reflect on the past year and look toward the future. Knowing who you want to be and what you want to create in 2016 can help you make it a fantastic year. On this month’s PSI Teleseminar, Tim O’Kelley shared tools to set your intentions and take action toward achieving your dreams:

  • Asses the past and perceive it in a positive way.
  • Get really clear about what you want to achieve.
  • Set clear intentions and take action.

The challenges that you faced during the last twelve months offer a chance for growth. Use those opportunities to discover who you are, craft a clear intention and create the life you want in 2016!
If you missed all or part of the call, or if you just want to listen to it again, the replay is now available on iTunes and at where you’ll also find archives of the past teleseminars.
Do you have questions about the material on the call? Would you like to talk with fellow grads, staffers and instructors about how to apply the concepts in your life? Then we’d love to have you join us on Facebook and continue the conversation.

Rediscover and Reconnect with the Tools to Create Better Relationships, Greater Abundance and More Balance in Your Life!

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