PSI Seminars Area Director Renee Cermak talks about Self Esteem

Confidence and Self-Esteem

We bring our self-esteem everywhere we go. It is present in every aspect of our lives from relationships, to career, to our financial state. It is the main driving force behind our results.
Your current self-esteem has been made moment by moment, defined by all the small thing. The choices, interactions and mundane tasks that make up daily life. Everyday there are things that you do to increase and well as decrease your self-esteem. So, when your self-esteem changes, so does everything else in your life. By learning to identify the small things that effect your self-esteem, you can set up a strategic plan to increase your self-worth.

  • Recognize the things that increase your self-esteem.
  • Identify what is chipping away at your confidence.
  • Create new habits that boost your self-worth.
  • Improve your personal reputation.
  • Learn to take the high road when it’s presented.
  • Be the first to apologize and be the bigger person.
  • Learn to forgive yourself as well as others.

The results in your life will reflect your confidence and self-esteem. As your self-esteem increases, your future self begins to matter. You will find yourself living not just for today, but also for tomorrow. Make self-esteem your number one priority. You will be judging yourself for the rest of you life, so become someone you can be proud of! As Renee Cermak said in last night’s teleseminar, “your vote is the only vote that matters.”
This episode of the podcast is now available on iTunes and at where you’ll also find archives of the past teleseminars.

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