Personal Development

Be, Do, Have it All!

If you listen to most people talk about the things they want, whether money, a relationship, or chiseled abs, you'll notice that they say things like, "when I have _____, I'll be/do _____". When I...

Fear, Regret, and The Life of Your Dreams

Every day man crucifies himself between two thieves--the regret of yesterday, and the fear of tomorrow. - Benjamin Disraeli How much of your life is spent living in regret? How much time is spent...

Living in the Now

"Living in the moment" means bringing your awareness to the here and now, without regret of the past or fear of the future. "In the moment" is where life happens, so be here now to enjoy it! This is...

Balancing Your Personal Growth

Just how important is balance to your personal growth? Imagine a car traveling down the road on four tires all filled with a different amount of air. The ride would be bumpy and prevent the car from...
Be, Do, Have it All!

Be, Do, Have it All!

If you listen to most people talk about the things they want, whether money, a relationship, or chiseled abs, you'll...

The Power of Choice

The Power of Choice

  The Power of Choice Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice....

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