Be the Calm in the Storm

Be the Calm in The Storm

Uncover Your Significance
With PSI facilitator Kathy Quinlan-Perez

“You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is CALM YOURSELF. The storm will pass.” ~ Timber Hawkeye

There’s no denying, sometimes life has a way of appearing like a whirlwind all around us. So what can you do?
Remember… all storms will eventually pass. Stay grounded and focus on outcomes. What is the state you want your life to be in when the skies clear again?
Check in and take time to acknowledge what’s going right. Being in gratitude can go a long way to allowing you to be present in the moment.
Own your power. While you won’t always have control of the world outside of you, you absolutely have control over your feelings, beliefs, and actions.
Uncover your significance and rise above the storm. Life is full of possibilities and it’s time to bring your gifts to the world!
Tune in with Kathy for this incredible episdoe of the PSI Podcast! Listen now at

1 Comment

  1. Natalie Starfish

    Another meaning for “Starfish”, is beacon in stormy seas. And while I am a shiny starfish, I like that I can also choose to be a calm beacon in stormy seas too. In gratitude, Natalie Starfish


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