Attitude Affects Behavior; Behavior Affects Attitude…

What Are The Two Ways to Change an Attitude or Feeling You Don’t Like?

From the Book of Attitude, “Path to Liberty, by Tom Willhite…
The first way to change an attitude is to work from the inside outward:
As you learned in the Life Success course:  Your core values are at the center of the circle, surrounded by programs and habits, which are surrounded by attitudes, which are in turn surrounded by the outer layer of behavior.
To change an attitude working from the inside out, you would start with programs and say, “I don’t like that program; it doesn’t represent my values.  I don’t like the way I feel when that program gets activated.”
Next you have to consciously choose to change the program and to eliminate certain troublesome attitudes when they come up:  “I choose to feel better – I choose to feel more positive – I choose to feel successful.”
By deciding to think positively and selecting a winning attitude, you will start to feel like a winner and soon behave like one.  As this is done over and over again, your behavior will indeed change.  You will begin to act like a happy, successful person.  Others will begin to see you in a new way.
The process of changing programs and attitudes by controlling your thinking can be a lengthy one.  “There will be days when I have a hard time controlling my thinking, much as I want to,” people say.  “I’m really trying, but those negative thoughts just keep popping in when I’m not looking.”
That is the way it seems as you change thoughts.  It will take awhile and you might not know in advance exactly what new behaviors will emerge, but change will happen.  I think of this as the “reactive way” of changing behavior.  Behavior is changed as a result of changes in programs and attitudes.

pathtolibertyWhen’s the last time you opened your Life Success Manuscripts?  We know it’s challenging to stay connected to the work.  To pursue liberty and prosperity, as Tom Willhite intended for you.
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Going the other direction is easier…
I may have trouble controlling my thinking some days, but I know I can control my behavior.  This is the “active way” of taking control.
Controlling behavior is going at the attitude from the other direction:  From the outside in.  When I choose my behavior, the miraculous thing is my attitude then changes to reflect it.
If I keep at the new behavior and new attitude for a while, lo and behold, a new program has replaced the old.  My autopilot has a new set of directions, ones I have consciously chosen.
Isn’t this the easier way of the two?
Would you like to experience this way, the “outside-in” way of changing now?
It’s easy to do.  I just want you to jump up from your chair, arms waving in the air, and shout, “I’M EXCITED!”  Be sure to get all the motion, all the thrill, of a kid jumping for joy at the thought of going to Disneyland for the first time.
Do this exercise now.  I dare you to really do it, right now!  And I double dare you to do it if you are in a public place.
How do you feel?  Can you sense the energy, the excitement?  If you got up each morning for 30 days and did this exercise, the changes in your life would be phenomenal!
So I challenge you to do exactly that.  Do this exercise every day for one month and experience the power under your control.
“Aha,” you say, “It can’t do all that much.”  Then I challenge you to prove me wrong!  Put everything you have into this exercise for one month, then tell me I’m wrong.  It works; it really works.  I’ve done it.

If you don’t like the way you feel, change it.
It is your responsibility.

Let us suppose you often feel frustration.  It could be in your work or at home.  Perhaps you don’t know why, you just feel that feeling.  Maybe you’re hating yourself, putting yourself down, being envious of someone else.  Maybe you’re exhibiting dissatisfaction with your environment and all those around you.
Identify your behavior, whatever it is.  Now you have a choice.  You can change the behavior, or you can change the feeling.  You can change from the inside out or the outside in.  Either way, you can shift to a positive, happy attitude.
The responsibility is yours.  You will find that you no longer need crutches.  Crutches are like cigarettes, coffee, food, computer games or whatever you use to “get you through” the day.
Do it yourself.  Stay off your crutches.  Think of all the money you can save!  Think about how great it feels to be in control, total control of this thing we call attitude.
You are responsible for you.
pathtolibertyAssuming a responsibility means changing a wrong into a right.  In other words, if the way you feel is not right, then assuming responsibility means changing it.
~Tom Willhite
When’s the last time you opened your Life Success Manuscripts?  We know it’s challenging to stay connected to the work.  To pursue liberty and prosperity, as Tom Willhite intended for you.
That’s why we we’re offering you the opportunity to own the audio version of The Life Success Manuscripts via digital download.
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