The Big Picture: 3 Ways You Can Make a Difference Now

“Be the change you want to see in the world” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Four weeks into 2013, surely you’ve thought about your personal goals – what you want more, better, or different in your life – and possibly even declared some big ones that have your heart racing and knees knocking. Have you thought about what you want to give back to others, to the world?
Just as you asked yourself what you want more, better, or different in the new year, ask what you want for the world. World peace can seem like an out-of-reach and daunting goal, yet it doesn’t have to be. Just like any goal, when you break it down into smaller pieces and take action on it daily, it can be accomplished. Whether your vision is focused on providing education, ensuring that everyone has enough to eat, or rescuing abandoned animals, there is something you can do to make a differene now. Here are 3 ways you can get started on bringing your vision for the world to life:
1. Volunteer
You are not alone in your vision for the world, and it is likely that there are others already taking steps to implement it. Find an organization through which you can volunteer your time to make a positive difference. PSI World and many cities with PSI Seminars offices have opportunities for you to be of service, from annual Giving Days to local service projects. Connect with other graduates in your city to find out how you can make a difference or simply email [email protected].
2. Donate
Another way to make a positive difference is to donate to a cause in which you believe. Financial donations are not the only donations that organizations need. There are charities and non-profits that need everything from food and toiletries for the homeless to clothing and blankets for those living in transitional housing to hair to create wigs for cancer patients. Everybody has something to give!
3. Party with a Purpose
Turn any event into a party with a purpose by asking guests to bring a donation relevant to your cause. Many businesses such as movie theaters, bowling alleys, and skating rinks already have programs to support charities. Look for opportunities in your area to get people together for a good time and a good cause. In addition to raising money or gathering donations, you also have the opportunity to raise awareness and inspire others to be active in their vision for the world.
Take action today on being the change you want to see in the world!


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