Navigating Relationships During the Holidays

Navigating Relationships During the Holidays
When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. ~Donald Miller
The holidays can be a crazy time of the year for everyone, and sometimes the entire point of the holidays – connecting with loved ones – can be overlooked. It can be difficult to juggle all of the events taking place, along with decorating, shopping, and other holiday tasks. If this year you are determined to do something different and connect with your friends and loved ones on a deeper level…join us on this PSI Seminars call to learn a few tips to help you stay focused on what really is important this holiday season.
Learn success secrets from a very special couple on how they have applied some of the tools from the PSI Basic Seminar to their relationship and learned to enjoy the holidays together.

Hear this episode of the PSI Podcast at:

Rediscover and Reconnect with the Tools to Create Better Relationships, Greater Abundance and More Balance in Your Life!


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