Mastering the Screen of the Mind

Mastering the Screen of the Mind

Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.
~Bo Bennett

Do you remember the last time you visualized something you really wanted and applied the Screen of the Mind technique to it?

Visualize, with your eyes closed, your present situation in complete detail surrounded by a dark frame…… Does this sound familiar or is it a distant memory of a tool you once used in the Basic Seminar?

Whether you’ve already been to the PSI Basic Seminar, or are planning on attending soon, you can use the Screen of the Mind technique to complete a project, improve a relationship, or just to change a current situation or challenge you are experiencing.

Listen to the PSI Seminars Podcast now!
So you can…

  • Improve your personal and professional relationships
  • Improve your health
  • Change a current challenge into an opportunity

PSI Seminars Podcast


  1. Todd

    Can we access the Mastering the Screen of the Mind on line somewhere? I was unable to attend.

    • psi_blogger

      Hi Todd. You will receive a link to the podcast in the newsletter. Each month we share the information from the previous month. Check your inbox this week to find the April copy of inPSIghts. It contains the March call on the Behaviour Matrix. Let us know what you think!


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