Creating A Solid Foundation For Your New Year Goals

Rediscover and Reconnect with the Tools to Create Better Relationships, Greater Abundance and More Balance in Your Life!
When the end of a year gets close and we realize we’re just a few more weeks away from singing “Auld Lang Syne.” Are you on track for what you want to create in your future? Do you have your Life Plan in place?
Since the foundation is the most important piece of any structure, wouldn’t it be great if you had a chance to put a solid foundation under that plan? Would you like to learn from a true visionary about establishing a plan and sticking to it?
On a special episode of the PSI Seminars Podcast, PSI Seminars co-founder Jane C. Willhite talked all about how to…

    • Build a solid foundation for the New Year
    • Set a goal and stick to it
    • Improve your personal and professional relationships

    On the podcast, you will hear from other grads who have successfully applied these tools to their life. 
    Hear this and many more episodes of the PSI Seminars Podcast at or find us on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts…


    1. John P Reynolds

      I took the Basic in October 1999.
      I just finished staffing the Las Vegas December Basic.
      I called my sister prior to the December class and during our conversation I listened to her challenges that she was facing in her new business career. I mentioned that I was staffing the PSI Dec Basic and I started talking about the concepts that I felt she would be able to use in her business. The behavior matrix and the 3-ways of listening, and about the renewed focus and confidence that I fely when I completed the class back in 1999.
      She had an incrediable experience and I have a sister that I never had.
      I just want to thank PSI Seminars for duing the seminars in Las Vegas.

      • psi_blogger

        John it is graduates like you who stay connected to the work and continue to talk to your loved ones (even after 10 years) that make PSI Seminars what it is. Have your sister join us on the tele-conference call next week. Jane Willhite the co-founder of PSI will be teaching on this call. You will not want to miss it.

    2. Jennifer Singer

      Thank you to everyone to assisting in my journey to an amazing life!!! I am so grateful!
      Love and blessings,


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