45 Incredible Years

The PSI Seminars
45th Anniversary Celebration


45 Years of achievement, growth, abundance, and liberty – Here’s to many, many more!
October marked a gigantic milestone for PSI as we celebrated the 45th Anniversary since Tom and Jane Willhite created PSI World Seminars from their kitchen table… oh how far we’ve come!
For seven days at High Valley Ranch, over 500 Leadership Seminar graduates and PSI employees gathered to celebrate this momentous anniversary and all of the achievements made by the hundreds of thousands of incredible PSI grads over the last four decades!
The 45th Anniversary Seminar presented PSI with an opportunity to introduce students to some of the most challenging – and rewarding – work ever presented by PSI Seminars and WOW! When PSI grads show up, they really show up! It was an honor to bear witness to astounding growth and discoveries throughout the week, culminating in a gorgeous Gala themed in beautiful hues of blue for this sapphire anniversary!
A week which began as many grads’ first peak at the recently fire scorched ranch, turned into an opportunity for hundreds of leaders to give of themselves… in mere hours, the outdoor events at High Valley Ranch were transformed from a once smoldering heap of wood and wire, to safe and usable ropes events for incoming PSI-7 teams and so many others. It is so impressive to watch a group of highly committed men and women work together in synergy towards a goal with such far-reaching implications!
The 45th Anniversary was a heck of a lot of fun too! Countless laughs were shared in the week’s team scavenger hunt (congrats to team “Winner Winner Lobster Dinner”!) as well as a ton of memorable dance moves!
Speaking of milestones… we even set a new Guinness World Record for the world’s Longest Trust Fall Relay, with over three hundred PSI grads successfully participating! (Did you get your certificate yet?)
Even Bob Proctor and Kelly Poulos joined the celebration via video, and we are so excited to spend time with them both in person at The Secrets to Peak Performance with everyone who already took the next step in their growth by enrolling for 2019’s Next-10 Level-Up!
We couldn’t imagine concluding this amazing week in any other way than having a party for the ages! With the tent, employees, and grads all decked out in every hue-of-blue you can imagine, we tore the roof off! Dinner, dancing, and prizes… if you weren’t there, you definitely missed out!
If you haven’t already committed to being at next year’s Next-10 Level-Up… what are you waiting for? We’ll be there and want YOU to be too!




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