How Do Your I Am Statements Contribute to the World?

Everyone has within them everything they need to succeed, create abundance, experience love, and positively transform the world. The opposite is also true. What determines which you will manifest?
Your thoughts, or beliefs.
In director, Tom Shadyac’s, documentary film, I AM, two thought-provoking questions were the catalyst for the film: what’s wrong with the world, and what can we do to make it better?
In his quest for enlightenment, Shadyac consulted some of the world’s greatest minds, explored various cultures, and did much soul-searching of his own to discover that there’s more right with the world than he ever imagined.
Tom Shadyac talked about his discoveries and revelations at Principia 2012 and inspired many attendants to start seeing what’s right with the world and how the actions of each individual contribute to the well-being of mankind.
The “I am” concept as taught by PSI Seminars is both the foundation upon which the teachings of PSI were built, and the foundation upon which you build your life. As Tom Shadyac reveals in the I AM documentary, it is also the foundation upon which our world is built.
If your “I am” statements are not serving you, it is likely that they are not serving others. You have the power within you to create change. If you are to “be the change you wish to see in the world”, how might you be? What are the “I am” statements that would support your vision for your self and for the world?
In the coming week, consider what changes you wish to see in the world and define what qualities you could display to support your vision. Begin implementing these “I am” statements daily. You may find that opportunities arise that encourage you to take action in displaying these qualities. Or perhaps you’ll be the one to create the opportunities for yourself and others.
Thoughts are powerful things. Choose ones that wield that power for the betterment of yourself and the betterment oft he world.
To learn more about the I AM documentary, please visit


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